i just bought a 125 twin flow (built in overflows) an have a couple questions on it. what is the rating in gph for the overflows and should i use two seperate pumps for return line or one large pump with a tee?
what size bulkheads do they have? Depending on the amount of return current you want you could tee it which would greatly reduce GPH or you could use 2 pumps and increase the gph but 2 pumps could also generate some heat issues.
the bulkheads are 1", i figured the tee idea would reduce the gph. i figure each overlfow could probably handle 700gph. so would heat be an issue with two pumps to handle that speed. in my current 55gal i have one mag-drive 950gph there doesnt seem to be any problems with heat. so two of those in a tank over 2x bigger should have any problems either, correct?
I just put together a all glass 125 with dual overflows. I think the returns were 3/4" I used a mag 9.5 for the return and used a tee to go to each end. No problems with it not pumping enough water back into the tank.
i have HOB dual drain overflow that will hande 1400gph and I'm using a Mag7 for the return. It will have 2 45 degree connections and 2 90's it will only probably return 5-600 Gph but it is in a fuge so thats what I want. Mag 9.5 should give you good flow and if not you can always upgrade the pump or drop a PH or two in the tank.