twin spots/ 4 whell drives


are twin spots known to go into hiding for a long period of time? i recently got one and he kinda hung out for the first day, just darting behind the rock if anyone got near the tank. i noticed he made a burrow and would go hide in there. recently it has been filled up and ive only seen him once in the past 24 hours. im fearing the worst. am i worrying when i shouldnt be?


I just got one on Saturday. He hid out for a couple of days before he decided he was comfortable enough in his surroundings to build a burrow. Now he's got burrows in a couple different locations in the tank. He still darts back into his burrow if he sees me when he's ventured outside of it. Gobies are very shy fish in general.
Has he been eating? If so, what does he eat, and what do you feed him?
Here's a pic of mine. Right after this pic was taken, he scurried back into the safety of his burrow.


thats just the thing. ive never actually seen him eat. i feed my fish a food that is prepared at the lfs that he was regularly eating before i purchased him. i always make sure to sink a bit of the food to where his two burrows are and the food ends up being eaten. hopefully by him, but could just be crabs or other fish who happen to venture upon it.


My lfs told me about a method of feeding that seems to work on this type of fish. Google "Mandarin Diner" There's a website that details how this works and how it came about. They've got great pics of it. Or you could just put the food into a shot glass and lay it on it's side near the front of his burrow. It may help to put the shot glass (or whatever) in the tank for a couple days with nothing in it to help him get used to it. Then start putting food in it.