two 500 gallon tanks


hey whats up got a couple questions. im in the middle of installing 2 500 gallon salt water fish tanks. i already have and set up numerous reef tanks but this is a lil different and on a much larger scale. im installing these in my place of work a night club in new jersey, they will be strictly fish only, i have pics of them i just gotta put them on the pc, but im just curious bout the sound in a club messin with the fish and what not, will it? wont it? any suggestions or comments, pics to follow asap,
tanks are up im doing the piping during the days, still need suggestions on some fish and etc.


I have a 1000watt surround sound system in the same room as my octopus, turtle, and semi-reef tanks, and it doesnt seem to stress them and my octopus rarely inks, so im sure most fish would be fine for the most part, although probably best to avoid situations like these if possible.
very skitish or easily stressed fish might have a problem. triggers, large angels, eels, lionfish, groupers, etc i cant see being stressed.


Just monitor the tanks. If the club is causing a serious vibration in your tank then it will definately stress your stock. Try to keep speakers pointed away from them as sound travels in a straight line in waves. The waves will hit a source and scatter but the jist of it is in the direct path. At very low frequencies sound travels isotropically (all directions) so place woofers as far away as possible. Other than that they'll prolly be bumpin to whatever music you got at the club... which is luckier than most fish. I'd be more worried about some drunk dumping his corona in the skimmer...

Good luck... should set the club off nicely.


I work around clubs and bars a lot, Even if you point the speakers away from the tank you still will have problems. If you’re talking about even a medium sized club you have a fair amount of speakers, subs, and high volumes. Low frequencies (below ~100 Hz) are not directional, so the sound is projected 360degress (even below 40 Hz or so the human ear cannot detect where the sound is coming from.) Plus all sound waves bounce off of structures, unless you have sound dampening material. Meaning unless your tank is in some sort of area that is designed to be quieter like a VIP area your tank is going to be exposed to sound waves, Even if the speakers are not facing the tanks. The only way I can see you being able to do this safely for your fish is to either place the tanks in quieter areas, or use some sort of sound proof glass, and a damping material at the base of the tank to absorbed bass frequencies.
Just think about the last time you where in your car and heard and FELT vibrations from some kids listening to 50 cent 3 cars away.


lol i got the pics i just left the camera at work, it is in the vip section , the subs are built into the floor area technically the vip section is over the subs buit into the lower level. the tanks are resessed back into a wall and the wall will be finished with soundproofing foam. and bout the good ol drunk carona lol these tanks are huge u gotta stand on the couch to get to the tops plus we are building a slide out and in piece at the top for serviceing them. tonight ill post some pics than finished pics. it should look really nice