two anemones fighting

well i know i probably shouldnt have put two different anemones next to each other, but since they are can they hurt eachother. they seems to touch eachother every so often. neither closes up or acts hurt after the encounter. one is a haitian condi and the other is a LTA. Well thanks for any info
i dont have room any where in the tank for this size of one that isnt on the bottom of the tank or right in the flow.


Most Anemones are quite aggressive they may decide who wins for you. From my experience you need a 100+ gal w/ lots of live rock and sand to harbor more than one species especially if you intend to host clowns. Even these measures may not stop a determined foe. Poor current flow may force a confrontation if it allows for only one “sweet spot” in your tank. Multiple light current flows may help but without a tank divider I would chose one and remove the other or you run the risk of coming home to a “skunked” tank (Anemones die messy).
Yeah i have been trying to think of who is going to get moved to a new tank or taken back to the LFS. I think that they should be fine, i dont actually see any sign of aggression. i was just asking incase if the began fighting.