Two clowns; two anemones

mot ii

In our 65 gal. we have two percula clowns (one larger and one smaller) and two anemones .. a smaller bubble tip and a bigger long tenacle (plus a few other fish...) Our larger clown hosts in the smaller bubble took the clown about two months before it would go to the anemone. She is very protective of the anemone... she won't let any other fish around it and when we feed the anemone, she will keep everyone away... but alot of the time when we put a piece of shrimp in the anemone and it begins to consume it, the clown will take the shrimp out, swim to a different area of the tank and drop it. The other fish love that...but we're frustrated.... what is up with that??
The smaller clown will not go to the long tenacle. We were hoping each clown would have an anemone... The small clown does sleep in the plants we have in the tank...kind of like it would an in's kind of funny...
Also, both anemones tend to move around the tank a lot. Sometimes they will stay in one spot for weeks...but then they'll move around. One minute one will be on a rock in front; two hours it will be around the back of the tank on another rock...and a few hours later...on the whole other side of the tank! They are quite the wanderers... is this typical?
And, my husband wants to know if it is true that fish really do like listening to Supertramp and Pink Floyd??

We've had the clowns for over 15 months and the anemones for almost a we know they are all doing good in the tank...


Active Member
no anems only move if they dont like the spot they you have water test results temp and what lights do you have?can you post a pic?


Originally Posted by IBEW41
no anems only move if they dont like the spot they you have water test results temp and what lights do you have?can you post a pic?
I have to agree here, a constantly moving anemone is an unhappy anemone.
Post your parameters and tell us what kind of lighting and flow you have. Maybe if you can figure out what is making them unhappy and correct it, they'll stay put for you.