Two Part Light Question


I have a Coralife PC fixture with 2 x 65w bulbs plus 2 LED Moonlights and a 2x18watt t5 also. Its 24 inches and sits on top of my 29g. Here are my questions:

1) What kind of corals can i keep in this? I know that SPS is probably out of the question, but what LPS or Softies can i keep. would Zoas be okay?

2) Anyone have a lighting scheme set up on timers? Im looking for ideas on how to set mine up. I wake up at 7am and the tank needs to be out by 11pm.

mr llimpid

.You have plenty of light 4.5 watts per gal on the PC and the added T5's will also help. But the problem is not the amount of light but it’s the par ratting and spectrum for light. This is required for all SPS coral and anemones. For most SPS lighting is not the issue, its all about the quality of water and flow. Zoas, can be kept under low light, if they seam to be lacking you can hand feed them to help them out. For all my tanks I have my lights on timers, my suggestion is to have your actinic turn on for an hour B4 the white one, run the white one for 10 hours, at mid day turn on the T5's for 4 hours have the actinic is on the last hour, for total of 11 to 12 hours.