Two Perc's ready for an Anemone


I've got two Perc's that are paired, I've had them for about 4 months now. They both stay at one end of the tank most of the time and would never go close the the LR. And now the larger one has taken a liking to my large Yellow Leather and camps out underneath it. It's located at the same end they hang out in. The other one is starting to hang out their as well now. I was wanting to know if this was your set up would you buy one large anemone for them to share or two smaller ones. Thanks


I would get one for them to share. Clowns in an anenome is one of the reasons I got into this hobby and it looks really cool when the two of mine hang out in theirs together!!!!


FYI the June issue of Aquarium Fish magazine has a good article on Clownfishes.
And it's a safe bet that you have a pair. Anemonefish establish a hierarchy form and the dominant fish at the top will become female. Yes they can change ---. The second down the ladder will become male. If you have others, they will be neuter.
Good luck on finding them a great host. :)