Two Questions - Painted Background - Canopy


1. Okay, I am going to redo the canopy on a 55 that I bought. I am going to have 4, 4' VHO's in the canopy. The lights will be approximately 10" above the water is this too high for VHO's? I am thinking that using this high of a canopy I could step up to MH in the future without redoing the canopy. Also the previous owner reported heat issues with the lights, so I thought the added height might help with that.
Also, I plan on adding cold air return vents for a house to the canopy to allow the heat to escape. I was going to use one that is 2' long on the top of canopy do you think this will allow too much light to escape?
2. I am thinking of painting the back of the 55 with blue Krylon Fusion Spray Paint in blue. I plan on covering the whole tank minus the back glass and then spraying it. I was also going to clean the back glass with alcohol to get it really clean for the paint.
Does the above sound okay? I am thinking 10" might be a bit high for VHO lighting?