two questions


I got a rock anemone, I heard and keep finding various sites that tell me to put it on the substrate, and others tell me to put it on the rock. I'm confused! Please help!
Also, my condi anemone has all its tentacles inside of its body, and will let them out, and then suck them in again. Is it doing ok? I had a clam die over night so my ammonia was at .25 this morning, but I removed it. Is it going to be ok?


I had a rock/flower anemone and I had no problem placing it on the substrate, but also next to some rock rubble. As to the condy it may be trying to protect itself by drawing in upon itself, so yes it may be reacting to your water conditions.
Here is a pic of my rock/flower anemone and one where an anemone is doing what you describe.



Do you have a ground probe in your tank (absorbs excess electricity in the water caused by powerheads etc? You might want to check the tank for stray voltage-
We had a powerhead go out in one of our tanks it caused the voltage and we lost alot of stuff including some clams which seem to be more suseptible to it. I spell like $#%^.


I think it may have been the ammonia... and yes I do have the probe... ammonia is back at 0 and both are out... the rock is moving around the tank but seems healthy


Just a word or two here on the ground probe.
Even though you have a ground probe doesn't mean something can't be wrong. Periodically you still have to unplug the ground probe and check for stray voltage with a voltage meter, and if located then plug one thing in at a time until you find the problem. Then still replace the leaking electrical device..power head, heater, pumps...etc...