New Member
I have a 75 gal Reef with about 12 corals and polyps (bubbles, mushrooms, green and yellow polyps,cup, open brain, etc.) and 6 fish, (maroon clown, percula, basslet, coral BEAUTY, falco hawk, etc.).I also had a fairly decent sized colt that was flourishing, but, he suddenly started fadig and finally got so down I removed him so that he wouldn't damage anything downstream. Are they succeptible to some mineral deficiency or disease? Eveything else is lovely and healthy. (Knock on Wood)Number 2.Red slime algae. I'm fighting it all the time. All water tests are where they should be. I feed twice a day so I don't think thats it. By the way. The slime is on the sand mostly so was well awy from the colt.