Two Questions

First Question: Well im planning on getting a snowflake eel for my 55gallon if possible so im wondering how do I feed them and what can I feed them thats not too expensive?
Second question: Do Fire Shrimp hunt and kill Bristle/Fireworms?


Active Member
snowflakes r not picky eater at all. when i had mine, i fed mine frozen silverside or krill. they will smell it and go to it. eels r pretty much blind so its all smell they depend on. feel them like 1x every 2 days, bc they get messy.
Im just planning on putting it in a community tank and I want to feed it enough that it wont eat my fishes

But what about the shrimpies will they eat Fire/Bristleworms?


My fire shrimp don't touch them although the snowflake would love your fire shrimp


An arrow crab will eat your bristle worms. Most if not all bristle worms are benificial to your tank. You may not want to get rid of them in the first place.
And also, a snowflake eel will eventually eat invertabrates and small fish, no matter how much you feed them. There are no reef safe eels.
Originally Posted by walkerbrody
An arrow crab will eat your bristle worms. Most if not all bristle worms are benificial to your tank. You may not want to get rid of them in the first place.
And also, a snowflake eel will eventually eat invertabrates and small fish, no matter how much you feed them. There are no reef safe eels.

Well I dont want an arrow crab cause of the fact they can get aggresive and kill and eat anything in my tank
And then ill think second about the eel cause I dont want my fish to be eatin
Any other suggestion of Bristle eaters that are safe for a FOWLR community tank ?


My neon dottyback decimated my bristle population. They are known to be aggressive although mine is intimidated by everything.