two royal grammas


Quick question,
My brother was wondering if you can you house two royal grammas in a 75 gallon?? I have read places where they say you can and other places that you can. Others say that they should be kept singly in a 30, but could two be kept in a 75 if introduced at the same time??


Active Member
i wouldnt recommend it at all they will attack each other, they can be very aggressive to it own family like the black cap its would be different if your tank was 8ft long i have read a few articles say its okay to keep a gramma per 4ft with little to no aggression


Active Member
I have seen them together if given enough space and rock...but there are no guarantees that the two you pick will be all that happy to share.


Generally not recommended, but since your tank is fairly big, with lots of live rocks, you might be able to keep them with a little problem.