Two sick fish....WEIRD????


I ordered two fish last week; a arc-eye hawkfish and a Bicolor Angelfish. Well about 4 days later my Bicolor came down with ICH and the next day my Arc-eye began to get spots. I have both of them in a QT now and are being treated for ICH. I'm using a combo of formalin and hypo for treatment. Yesterday my Arc-eye had an excellent appetite, swam around, and now today, he acts as if food is of no importance and does not move. He has this WEIRD, what looks like, flesh eating sickness, as his sides are sinking in and it looks like his flesh is being eaten?????? I wish i could figure out what the problem was? My Bicolor swims around like normal, has no visible signs of ICH "for now", but has what appears to be a few lost scales on one side and red "ulcer looking" sores around his side fins by his gills and what appears to be the same thing by his dorsal fin??? I can only see the ulcer looking sores with a flash light but not my actinic. My Bicolor appears to be in better health. I have no clue what is going on with my fish?? My water parameters Amn=0; Nitrite=0; Nitrate=.05ppm; PH=8.3. Any and all suggestions would be great. Also is it a lost cause with either of these fish to continue treatment??