Two-Spot Bristletooth Tang


Active Member
Are these pretty hardy tangs? I first need to make sure that is what they had. I went to my LFS to pick up my six-line (which didn't come in) but they did have a kole tang and some sort of other tang. The kole tang appeared to have some skin damage from poor net handling so I was wary to buy it. The other tang came in as a vampire tang (never heard of it) but they said that isn't what it was and they weren't exactly sure what it was. They sent pictures to the wholesaler for identification. I've been looking on the net and it appears to be a two-spot bristletooth tang. It's a juvenile and the pics on the net all appear to be adults and I know how some fish change color the older they get so I am not sure if I have identified it correctly. Anyway, any special to know about this type of tang?

florida joe

Well-Known Member
The Two Spot Bristletooth Tang is a colorful orange-brown fish with blue lines. It also has blue spots on its head and 2 black spots at the base of its dorsal and anal fins.
A 70 gallon or larger aquarium is necessary to provide plenty of swimming room. It is aggressive towards other Tangs, but peaceful with other fish. Although Tangs will eat meaty foods along with the other fish in the aquarium, it is important that they are offered plenty of marine-based seaweed and algae. This will strengthen their immune system, reduce aggression, and improve their overall health. Offer dried seaweed tied to a rock or use a veggie clip, and feed at least 3 times per week. Sea Veggies, Seaweed Salad and Ocean Nutrition are all ideal products and are very easy to use.


Active Member
Thanks Joe. Sounds like every other tang's diet!

This one had the shape of kole tang and had blue spot covering the facial area. The tale was yellowish I think. I also think the eyes were blueish. Anyway, I should be able to find out what is tomorrow. Just to se if anyone has had any experience with them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by florida joe
that is what i keep trying to tell people

I wasn't looking for a copy and paste job. I had already looked at the doctors site, this site, my books ... but I still posted here cause I like to see what actual experiences (if any) others have had. Maybe I will quit asking.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Noah's Nemo
The 2 doctors could have told you the same thing

I see what you did there ,it really is too easy...........
First of all my comment was not directed to you, if you read the post you will see it was directed at the quote above
Maybe I will quit asking.
You really must be kidding me


Active Member
Well it ended up being a mimic tang and I bought it. I can't seem to find exactly what kind of mimic tang it is though. I will try to post a picture when I can. He's really shy right now. My LFS store QTs tangs and he came out of QT yesterday and I went by to get the Kole but somone already bought him. Someone also tried to by the mimic but they wouldn't sell to him because he had a 30 gallon tank. The lady who runs the marine area seems to know her stuff.


Active Member
Instead of posting a new question about my tang, I would rather just keep this post going hoping that people are reading. I still have not figured out what type of mimic tang I have if indeed that is what I have. I will try to post a picture when I can locate my dang memory card that goes with my camera. He is super shy and I am having trouble getting him to eat. He did finally start eating the seaweed strips when I wasn’t around. He swims all over the place as long as someone is near the tank but he prefers to go in and out of the rock. I hope he will adapt and become more of an open water swimmer. Anyway, should I feed him seaweed strips every day? I don’t like feeding the tank every day but I was wondering if the tang needs to at least have something.