two tangs together???


I have a FOWLR tank that currently has a zebra moray eel, a ghost ribbon eel, and a newly hatched bamboo shark. The tank is 180 gallons, and has a lot of room to swim. My question is this: I would like to get two tangs for the tank, but they both need to be non-aggressive and would need to coexist. Can this happen and do you have any suggestions?
I would like a blue tang, and a naso tang...but I am open to options if this isn't feasable. What are your thoughts?


I think in a tank that size, 2 tangs is very feasible. BUT, i dont think there is ever a guarantee with fish personalities. I do know that purple tangs are one of the more aggressive tangs. The best info i could lend to you is this, personally, if it were me, i would put them both in at the same time, and i would also try to get them in similar sizes, that would more than likely be your best bet at success with 2 tangs in a tank. hope that may have helped, and im sure you will get lots of great info on here.


Thanks for all of the help. I have decided to skip on tangs all together because of the advice. For those who are inquiring, the shark is now 7" but it will grow to be 39" when he becomes an adult. The eel is now 30" long, but it will grow to 45". I hope that this answers your question, and I once again u thank you for your help.



Originally posted by daman
ell + shark = tangs for dinner
ALSO depends on how big the shark and ell will get.

the zebra eel isnt a fish eater and the shark would only go adfter you tangs if he got so huge