Two weeks with peppermints shrimp and aiptasia and majano spreading


I bought 5 peppermints from this site for my 65 gallon to try and get a natural solution for the aitpasia and majano outbreak in my tank. There is more in there now than when I first put them in. I think I will try a copper banded butterfly next, since the shrimp are not getting anywhere. I did try lemon juice on some of them and they dried up and turned black. Two days later, they were right back to full strength.
I will buy Joe's Juice if I have to, but I really wanted a natural solution. Am I just being too impatient with the peppermint? Everyone on here that I have heard talk about it had most of their aiptasia gone within two weeks. Also, will the CBB get along with my yellow tang, 2 perculas and firefly goby? Thanks in advance!


Active Member
the shrimps probably can't see them very well. i did the exact same thing as you did. my result so far is that the peppermints cleared the left side of the tank but since they never venture to the right side, so they never ate any there.


Active Member
IME it's the luck of the draw .... some peps will devour them and others won't bother with them at all.


I make my own joes juice useing saltwater and mixing kalk to its thick enough not to clog the siring i use, works everytime. just killed 2-3 or 4 inch ones man they really hate that stuff.


where can I get kalk? It has been almost a month and the aiptasia is still spreading. Thanks!


kalk = Kalkwasher ; which is used to raise calcium levels. it has a high ph of 12 or 14. When using it to raise calcium levels, It has to be dripped into the tank slowly becuse it will raise your PH. What he was doing was injecting the calcium on the apista killing it.


Use pure lemon concentrate from the grocery store. I got a real needle syringe from the

, and injected each one with a good amount. They all really shriveled up right away and were completely gone within 24 hour. Dont use imitation stuff, get the little bottle that looks like a lemon.


The lemon probably works for the opposite reason that kalk works lemon has a very low ph. I would think high ph would be preferable.


kalkwasser actually stabalizes calcium it doesnt raise it
a cheap alternative to kalkwasser is lime water... Buy some Pickeling Lime powder mix it with water and let it sit 24 hours... once the water is completely clear and the powder is all at the bottom take the water our... you might want to wear gloves as the PH is high enough to burn the skin.
Kalkwasser is German (i think) for Lime Water.


Active Member
It's an online venue, starts with E and is a 4 letter word. You can buy just about anything there. Of course you can probably go to your LFS or many other online sites.


Thanks, Hurt. I found some at LFS. It works great!! And NOW, the peppermint shrimp ar hitting the dead stuff like CRAZY. Go figure...
Thanks again!