type of thermometer


My puffer has just eaten part of my Thermometer. I'm not sure what to look for, incase its contains mercury, which is very toxic to fish. How can you tell if its a mercury thermoeter, or not.
Its a "Top Fin" Floating Aquarium Thermometer with a suction cup. Its red, with small steel balls at the bottom, for weight I guess. I got it at petsmart. Its on there website but no mention of mercury there though.
I'm not sure what I should do at the moment. Basically, do I have a mercury thermomter???
Some please advise me here. Thanks.

salty james

Does it have a silver liquid in the bottom ? if it does then but another. I wouldnt take any changes anyway they are cheap, and who wants to kill fish ?


sounds like it was the generic aquarium type of thermo. I'm almost positive that these thermos don't have mercury because thermos that use mercury have a silvery read out line. Because these generic ones have a red strip and I'm pretty sure that mercury can't be died, I would say it is something else. Doesn't mean its not toxic though! Did it just bite right through the glass?!?!? I think my worry would be the little lead balls used for weight and the glass in the intestinal tract.
Good luck!