types of food for LTA


What would you say is the best to feed a LT anemone if I get sliver sliders the bag never re closes right and then gets freezer burn.... could I just feed it raw shrimp from like wal-mart or smiths? what do you feed your anemone.


There are a few homemade food recipes here, I just can't remember where they are. But just about any raw seafood if chopped small enough will do.
I take some raw shrimp clams scallops squid any non oily fish any chop it real small and put it into a baggie then the freezer. When its time to feed just break off a piece and let it melt in some tank in a plastic cup. Then with a turkey baster I sqrirt it around its mouth. Formula 1 frozen food works also. Hope this helps
P.S. It looks and smells nasty but the anemones love it and if its small enough the fish will eat it too.

rod buehle

FWIW, I am fairly confident that that anemone is an E.quadricolor, AKA bubble tip, AKA BTA which is a naturasl host for maroon clowns. If you could get a pic of the underside of the oral disc, I could confirm. For feedings, there is a commercial food out there that when it first originated, the guy had anemones in mind. For the most part, it has small hunks of shrimp, scallop, oyster, clam , etc, but also has a lot of much smaller particles more like what is actually found in the gut of wild anemones.


I did think it was a LTA but now looking at it, as she is fully open its a BTA i can see the bubbles on the ends now. later to day I will have a better cam so Ill post pictures all though I cant get you one of the foot.