Types of Live Rock


Can anyone tell me what their favorite types of live rock they like? What is the most desirable? I was looking at Lalo Rock. Is it any good?


Its based from calcium carbonate so imo it still good rock. Some gulf rock is phosphate based and throw ph off. Its the same chemical compounds of tonga rock so i dont think youll have any problems...


Active Member
All types of rock from different geographical locations can be good or bad. The most important thing with buying new live rock is what it looks like and how long it has been out of the water. Try to only buy live rock from sources that have good reputations and always purchase the fastest shipping possible. The less time it spends out of the water the better it will look and the more biodiversity you will preserve on the rock.
I have a primarily Fiji foundation with branches of Tonga here and there encrusted with zoanthids. The shape of the rock from the different locales is really up to the preference of the aquarist.


Active Member
Many people, and myself included, prefer to use Figi live rock. It tends to be very porous, so not so heavy, more area for good bacteria to settle in. I have my entire tank in Figi, and the corraline is outstanding. It does tend to be very expensive, but what isn't in this hobby.
Good luck.