Types of nano cubes


i am really intrested in starting alittle nano reef. i know the JBJs come in 6,12, and 24g. i have also been told that some of them crack real easy. which ones are doing the cracking ? i am leaning towards the 24g DX or the 12g does the 12g come in a DX? i want one that has the PC lights and the LED moonlights. i do not know if the 12g has the PC lights or not. any help would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
They all come in DX versions. Its been primarily the 24 gal doing most of the cracking but the 12 gal seems to follow in the 24 gals footsteps pretty good a well. My LFS had been seling them and I co9nsidered getting one, and inquired about cracks..Their reply was they never had any. Hm.....then after about 2 or so months of kicking the idea of a NANO around I decided to get one........Much to my surprise, the LFS no longer carried them...as they had a buch that started cracking withing very short order after all that time without any real problems. That said, JBJ is now ocming ut with a new so called improved version of the NANO with different cooling, lights and "thicker" glass.....makes you wonder why they had to improve glass thickness when all along they were telling dissatisfied customers their glass was custom made to their spec and was actually stonger than any other tank was.........but they cracked like eggs, and now they have new improved glass and thickness.......
As nice and neat as a JBJ Nano cube is there are other options out there, which are just a good, but have better track records and peace of mind that trusting JBJ, even though they do honor a warranty, they just lied to their customers too many times to be trusted in my opinion. You can get an all acrylic NANO type cube on that big auction site for about the same price as a DX cube would cost.


Thanks Chip! yea, i was doing some searching on nano cubes, and i cam across one that was called Aquapod? i think the deluxe version of the aquapod come with MH lighting. that would be totally cool. if i remember right the deluxe version of these was around $400 dollars, which seems alittle steep to me. so if anyone knows anything about the aquapods please jump in and let me know about them.


the aquapods are supposed to be WAY better than the nano cubes. The acrylic is thicker than the cube(less cracking). I know that the 12 gallon has more wattage than the 12nano as well as the lighting that is standard are supposed to be better quality. It is also made in the USA by CurrentUSA and is therefore CHEAPER(no overseas shipping). There are also a lot of accessories that you can buy to go into the aquapod. Not the least of which is the 6.5 inch protein skimmer that fits perfectly in the back of the tank. I am probably going to get one when it comes out(though I wish they made a 6 gallon version).
if you want you can email me and I will send you a few links with more info. (sorry the mods don't like us posting links to other sale sites)


i checked some of them out, dont u think have 70w of MH on a 24g will give you heating issues of the water? if i decided to get the 24g one with just the PC what type of corals will do ok in that nano?


just to let you know not all the jbj nanos come in the deluxe version i hate when people give out false information and to let you know the new 24 gallon jbj dlx has a protein skimmer on it in my opinion nothing beats jbj lighting thats my 2 cents go ahead and buy the jbj 24 dlx best on the market my opinion


alright i did my research, and have decided that i am going to order the 12g aquapod with 2x27w PC lighting. this comes out to 4.5w/gallon. i would be able to keep shrooms, and soft corals under this light correct?
i will also be adding on the little fussion skimmer also. the site is saying its a pre order sale does anyone know when they will be coming out? along with that i can not find anywhere telling you how much the shipping will cost?