Types of Salt for Reef Tank


New Member
I have a real basic question is there any difference it salts? I have used "Instant Ocean® Synthetic Sea Salt" for my fish should I use the same for the Reef?
Andre S.


I think they are all pretty much the same...it is based on personal preference. If you do a search you will find this topic debated many times.


Active Member
I just picked up a box of tropic marin from my lfs the other day. They just started carryign it but man does it dissolve fast. I previously used instan oceans stuff, but now i think will stick to troic marin. Plus it is guaranteed to have like 70 trace elements i thing and is totally phosphate and nitrate free!
good stuff


Active Member
Most everybody I know uses Instant Ocean. It's realy good stuff, just stick with what you know works. Plus you get a free mini jet PH with a bucket of it :)

nm reef

Active Member
Like Josh I use the Instant Ocean.......got a few empty buckets for maintenance and the PH's are handy too!!
For the most part the salts are about the same.....I prefer IO but most others work just as well.