typhone III question


Active Member
I just got a new unit, can someone show me pictures or tell me if I have my valves right. It runs pretty slow. about 2 gal an hour, its supose to be more like 4 gal per hour. There seems to be a lot of waste water, and the last filter dosent fill with water like the other three.



Active Member
thats a good question. It dosent have a gage, and I have it hooked to an outside hose. I am using a drinking water grade hose though. I am pretty sure i followed the directions and my water tds is 1, compared to the 700 something coming out of my facet.


Active Member
Ours produces about the same amount as yours Teresa. We are on well water and pressure is not very high.


Active Member
Thanks, Mine looks the same. Humm I wonder if I hook it direct to the well if it would go faster. not that I really need it for everyday use, but when I need to do a big water change, or now when I need to get water ready for a new tank.
Again Thanks for your help.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TeresaQ
Thanks, Mine looks the same. Humm I wonder if I hook it direct to the well if it would go faster. not that I really need it for everyday use, but when I need to do a big water change, or now when I need to get water ready for a new tank.
Again Thanks for your help.
I'd recommend getting a good size RO storage and also RO salt storage container. We have a 55g for RO and 35g for RO salt both with pumps and heaters in them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TeresaQ
I just got a new unit, can someone show me pictures or tell me if I have my valves right. It runs pretty slow. about 2 gal an hour, its supose to be more like 4 gal per hour. There seems to be a lot of waste water, and the last filter dosent fill with water like the other three.

Any chance you can take a picture of yours? I have a T III (highly modified now) and they are a great unit. You probably just have an air bubble in the last canister. Water pressure and temp will effect the output so cold low pressure feed water isn't going to get you a lot of output. I assume you got the 100 GPD RO? Without very high water pressure those will actually produce less water than a 75 GPD from what I have read.