typical question: going from fresh to salt water

i've been an avid cichlid hobbiest for over a year now. i got it down pretty well and have a nicely stocked tank with a great combo of fish. of course there's always the next step to salt water. i've done alot of reading, but realistically, how difficult is it to start a salt water tank with live rock, sand, and fish? i know you can't pack in salt water fish like cichlids. but i'm intrigued nevertheless. thanks in advance.

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
its not hard if you do your research. This board is here to help everyone, if you have a question someone on here will be able to answer it for you. Good Luck
Yes this place is a great source for questions. It’s not as hard as it is enjoyable. Fish will die, things will go wrong, and just don’t get down. Take your time. This is much easier said that done. A reef aquarium is the hardest. Go big! After you have spent all the money getting it set up you want to have a nice size. The bigger the easier. I definitely wish I would have gone bigger. And please set up a QT. This is a very important step that I skipped and it cost me big! Good luck.


i started with cichlids too. the hardest part of swithching over is when you have lost all interest in your cichlids and have to try to find someone to buy them when you decide to switch their tank to saltwater too.


It is not difficult at all, if you understand what you are creating. An eco system. It is more expensive than fresh water fo sure. but if you do things correctly and do not rush, the reward is waiting for you.
You must also consider that there is some amount of responsibility that comes with a saltwater tank.
Different pets have different needs, and as you would provide for a cat or a dog, some things must be devoted for fish. But once you do it the feeling cannot be expressed.
I ve caught myself starring at the rocks for hours.....


As scuba said: BIGGER IS BETTER, and far more easier. Once you establish the tank, you cannot screw up easily. But there is the cost issue here......


Active Member
switching is not that hard, you can get all the info you need in this message board, i just switched over my dad's discus tank to a saltwater tank in less then a week (4 days), yes indeed the hardest parts were; the money its going to cost you(it costed about 600 dollars so far without any living things in the tank yet and i dont even have a sump, wetdry filter or an expensive lighting system), also another hard part was finding a buy for the discus (maybe you can trade in your fish at the local fish store for some store credit you can use towards your saltwater tank)
heres a before and after picture a week apart