U-Tube for Overflow


For anyone that has a wet/dry with an overflow....if power goes out how do you make sure that the u-tube in your overflow does not loose it's syphoning ability. Please help!!!


If the J-tube is left alone and not moved around it should be fine . Test it by cut off your power to tank and see what happens. :cool:
Over flows should have two chambers on the outside part of the box. one to drain water, and the other to hold water at the same hight as the inside box. that way when the power goes out, or you shut down the pump, it will hold the siphon. if you overflow box does not have the two cambers on the out side box, then I recommend that you get one IMO they are the safest!! ;)


Active Member
If designed right - an external overflow with "U" tube or "J" tube will retain it's prime upon power loss.
One of the reasons some folks end up with wet carpet and an empty sump - is from using a return pump that is insufficient for the size overflow. Sometimes small air bubbles start to form in the the top curve of the U tube. You MUST insure adaquate flow through the siphon tube to help force these bubbles on through. Otherwise ..... you guessed it.


i agree with LOTR also you could make a second chamber if yours does not have one. simple plexi glass cutting skills and some silicone.