U.V. Sterilizer


Whats up everyone? I am looking to add possibly a large angel down the road and my LFS told me to put a uv sterilizer on the tank. I've read plenty of opinions when it comes to reef tanks, but what about for FOWLR? Is this really neccessary? Thanks for the help.


A UV Sterilizer won't hurt in that kind of setup, I hope the LFS guy did not imply that you needed a uv for a large angelfish because this is a fallacy.
I'm assuming he mentioned this because of ick.
A UV will help prevent ick to an extent, but it is not full coverage.
If you QT your angel beforehand, your greatly lower your chances of the angel getting ick.
UVs are very useful tools, necessary... In my opinion no.


UV sterilizers are good. They help keep the tank free of parisites. My puffer was near deathwith ick so I bought a 18 watt uv and treated with hippo and he is goods as new. It's not neccesary but I feel safer with it because I have two fish prone to ick. If you have the money buy one on ----. I bought mine for 60 incleding shipping for an 18 watt uv.:yes:


I appreciate the feedback. I was almost sold on the ECO Aqualizer, then I did a little research, sounds like it may be crap!


Remember, a UV Sterilizer is a preventative tool. It will rarely help your fish during a full blown outbreak.


Actually, when I asked the guy at the LFS for his opinion on which angels are the hardiest, his first question was whether or not I had a sterilizer. I took this to mean that in his opinion, in order to successfully keep angels, you had to have one. Not true huh? While I'm typing, which would you suggest? I think I have decided against the majestic and emperor and am leaning towards a queen, though it may be too large or a passer. Thanks.


I'd love to help with that question but I've only had the experience with Emperor Angels. Is there any reason your not going with those?


I guess just the stuff I've read on this website. About them being more prone to lateral line erosion or more succeptible to ick. To be honest, I don't remember exactly which, only that they are a little less disease resistent. In response to the ozonizer comment, I've read a little about them but they sound way to complicated.