u.v sterilizer


Active Member
i wanna hook up a u.v sterilizer to my 45 gallon tank, its a fowlr , and my two fish died from what i think is ick or somthing else. im leaving the tank without fish for a month so the ick dies off, but i want to hook up the u.v anyways.
its an aqua brand, and its 15watts, 120 volts. is this big enough for a 45? how would i go about hooking this up to my tank? i already have a wet/dry, would i hook it up through that, and if so how?

who dey

Active Member
should thread into your pipework after your pump. your pump external or submersable. mine hangs on the back so i run it if i get a new fish, which seems to be alot lately. mine is a gamma 8w


I have a wet/dry and i run my return pump into the uv and then out the uv to the tank. I thought it kinda slowed down my rate of return so i ended up buying a bigger return pump to make up for the difference.


Active Member
but isnt the water supposed to just trickle through the u.v sterilizer? if it is, isnt a return pump a little bit to fast to be going through the u.v?