U.V. Sterilizer


Active Member
A UV sterilizer passes water at a specific rate over a UV bulb. The idea is that the UV in the bulb will kill certain free swimming parasites and help control nuisance algae (hair algae) if the water has enough contact time with the bulb (this is key). I have one on my tank and it's a pain the butt to set up to work like it's supposed to. Measuring flow rate and contact time is a bit of a guessing game. I like them, but they are quite spendy. They're strictly an "extra" line of defense with your tank maintenance. I'm the only one I know who uses one...and I mostly got it because I had a hair algae issue, I had some extra $$ and it was a good deal on ----. I've talked to some people who "don't believe in them". Their argument being it's artificial --and they theorize that eventually it will break down a fish's natural defense to certain parasitic diseases.
After I bought mine and looked at its pieces, it struck me how easily you can make them yourself. There are DIY sites on the web, if that's your thing.


I heard that you should definitely not use them. They do a good job at getting rid of some bad things in your tank, but they also do a good job at killing all of the good organisms in your tank.


Active Member
I agree, you should not use one in a reef tank, In a FO they can be used for parasites and reducing micro algae, but in a reef it will destroy the organisms your corals need to thrive.


Its all based on opinion. I use one in my 100 gallon. Iv had it over a year and I have not had a problem with my reef. All my corals are very healthy. Yes it does kill some good stuff but I just feed supplements and my pod population is blooming.


I agree. I have one in my 75 and I have never had one problem with the corals nor the fish that I have in my tank. I reason it this way:
For the money that I spent, if it saved one thing in my tank from getting ich, parasites or anything else it has paid for itself. There is no proof that it 'strips' out needed organisms from your tank.
It goes along with the same argument of, "Do I need a skimmer?" or people saying that you MUST have at least a 6+" DSB. What works for one tank is not the same for all tanks.


for a FO tank i would have one. for a reef . . . . like everone else, for some it works for some it does not. i would not do it. but that does not mean that i am right or wrong.
sorry Rich
i think a 12 " DSB is the only way to go :D


Active Member
For the money that I spent, if it saved one thing in my tank from getting ich, parasites or anything else it has paid for itself. There is no proof that it 'strips' out needed organisms from your tank.
my thoughts exactly.


Active Member
the money saved on "ONE THING" which it may or may not have saved, is not always worth it
I do not wish to loose anything
and have not so far in my home system, the ones at work were lost due to a 3 day power outage last month. But other wise, in 4 SW tanks, no losses in years. NOt one form ick ever.
as for being proven, it IS proven to kill wanted organismes
Any system without one, if properly taken care of and maintaied can be ich free just he same. And without the use of one. Any system without one, still can (and has) get ich. There ore those here who have had ich even with it. And many more who have avoided it through PROPER care without one.
MY OPINION: not neccesary. overrated. overpriced. extra maintenance. kills things we want. and still a gamble jsut the same(no guarenteees).