UGH!!!!!!! $#%z&#!!!!!!


jackie dh


I just came home to find my kitchen flooded! My Reef TANK sprung a bad leak and there's about 5 gallons on the floor and the basement.
I've cleaned it up with the shop vac and I have buckets catching the water, but I'm going to have to take every thing out and move it into another tank, not some thing that I want to do at 10 aT night because it's going to take several hours and I might lose some of my fish and corals. I am not a happy camper.

I'm just taking a break to whine before starting the move...... I have around 70 or 80 pounds of live rock to move along with the remaining water, sand and my fish, shrimp, crabs and corals...... it's not been 3 or 4 months since and moved every thing from the other tank because of a leak..... *sigh*........

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gill again68

Active Member
That sucks! Let us know how the move went. Have you been able to determine what is causing the leaks? Im just asking to see if its a issue with the tank not being level, age of the tank, or a manufacturer issue. First things first though and I hope all goes well.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Gill again68 http:///forum/thread/381480/ugh-z#post_3323423
That sucks! Let us know how the move went. Have you been able to determine what is causing the leaks? Im just asking to see if its a issue with the tank not being level, age of the tank, or a manufacturer issue. First things first though and I hope all goes well.

+1 what a mess, sorry to hear about it. Hope the move goes smoothly and you don't lose any critters or corals.
In 30+ years I have had only 1 tank leak and another get broken, both were horrible to have happen ...what are the odds on two leaks so close together...

jackie dh

This one looks like a seam failed, water was spraying out in several places right onto my plug strip and a wall outlet. :( Both tanks are about the same age, 15 years old more or less.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Jackie DH http:///forum/thread/381480/ugh-z#post_3323488
This one looks like a seam failed, water was spraying out in several places right onto my plug strip and a wall outlet. :( Both tanks are about the same age, 15 years old more or less.

Okay...I will remember the magic 15 number...LOL. I use GFCI outlets, you never know when the waters will flow.

jackie dh

Every one looks good, I think that I will leave them in this tank. Now I need to find a 48" light that I can afford.....