ok well i made a 50 gal fuge turned out great well i went a lil heavy on the silicone and couldnt wait to start it so figured it was dry after about 15 to 20 hrs and filled with wwater and contents of old fuge ... well heres the part where it gets bad i started it before all the mineral mud and soot settled well my whole tank (75 gal) plus the 50 gal fuge is sooo cloudy you cant see the coral or fish welll it clearded up in the next couple days but all my corals look like death then i start thinking about things and realize i have used silicone II wich says 100% silicone on it but in fine print it says with/con bio seal and in the really fine print on the back says not to use with aquariums may release methanol and ammonia during cure well i called the hotline on the back and she said it should stop after 24 hrs ... i have done a couple 30 gal water changes my rics and shrooms look fine my capnella trees came back but the candy canes are dying as well as the open brain, some zoos the star polyps havent even flynched look great theres a couple other coral i dont know what they were but they have died completly
anyone ever use this stuff before (silicone II by GE )
ok well i made a 50 gal fuge turned out great well i went a lil heavy on the silicone and couldnt wait to start it so figured it was dry after about 15 to 20 hrs and filled with wwater and contents of old fuge ... well heres the part where it gets bad i started it before all the mineral mud and soot settled well my whole tank (75 gal) plus the 50 gal fuge is sooo cloudy you cant see the coral or fish welll it clearded up in the next couple days but all my corals look like death then i start thinking about things and realize i have used silicone II wich says 100% silicone on it but in fine print it says with/con bio seal and in the really fine print on the back says not to use with aquariums may release methanol and ammonia during cure well i called the hotline on the back and she said it should stop after 24 hrs ... i have done a couple 30 gal water changes my rics and shrooms look fine my capnella trees came back but the candy canes are dying as well as the open brain, some zoos the star polyps havent even flynched look great theres a couple other coral i dont know what they were but they have died completly
anyone ever use this stuff before (silicone II by GE )
Get the coral and fish out into a heated rubbermaid and put in a powerhead. Turn the tank lights on to help with the methanol blow off. Methanol is very volatile so it will go away quickly. Do water changes (many) and put stuff back in a 2-4 days. That is about the best you can do. Good Luck
ok I have moved all the corals to a 30 gal tank, I have in other room the fish and inverts all seem perfectly fine. I dont think I said I did this 2 weeks ago
ok well i made a 50 gal fuge turned out great well i went a lil heavy on the silicone and couldnt wait to start it so figured it was dry after about 15 to 20 hrs and filled with wwater and contents of old fuge ... well heres the part where it gets bad i started it before all the mineral mud and soot settled well my whole tank (75 gal) plus the 50 gal fuge is sooo cloudy you cant see the coral or fish welll it clearded up in the next couple days but all my corals look like death then i start thinking about things and realize i have used silicone II wich says 100% silicone on it but in fine print it says with/con bio seal and in the really fine print on the back says not to use with aquariums may release methanol and ammonia during cure well i called the hotline on the back and she said it should stop after 24 hrs ... i have done a couple 30 gal water changes my rics and shrooms look fine my capnella trees came back but the candy canes are dying as well as the open brain, some zoos the star polyps havent even flynched look great theres a couple other coral i dont know what they were but they have died completly
anyone ever use this stuff before (silicone II by GE )
I always use silicone I by GE I never use silicone 2 so I am sorry for your loss and I am sorry that I cant help you more.
It doesn't dry under water, I'd take the sump back out. Clean it up. Then reseal it, wait 2 or 3 days, (it is cold the curing time is usually at 80 degrees or something) Then re-install the sump.
u dont think it has dried in 2 weeks i have a harlequin shrimp, a serpant star, 2 clowns, alage blenny , green clown gobie, 6 line wrasse coral banded and a sally light foot and they are all fine