Uh, oh...practically NEON green algae!!


Im cycled about a month..I went through the Diatom stage and then to dark green stuff which was ok..I clean it off the glass and my cleanup crew eats it. I just went to check my heaters..I have spots of this lime green, almost neon colored algae starting! Its on the heatrs themselves and I noticed a few splotches on the back of the glass too.
My skimmer is due in this week..is this stuff bad or a natural part of the cycling process? I noticed the temp was way too warm...81 or so so I turned the heaters down. I leave the lights on about 12-14 hrs a day (too much?) I have the standard lights that came with the hood. Dunno what they are.
I feed 2x daily...too much?
I have 80 lbs l/s, small amt l/r, one Whisper Filter with carbon in it. LOTS of aeration and waves.
Is this stuff gonna get all over everything? Its so ugly..I mean BRIGHT green!!!
Dang..I was sooooooooooooo happy for a few days! lol!


YUP! Its slimy..wanna hear something funny? I have a good cleanup crew...they go right at it and they go AROUND this stuff!!! They wont touch it. I cleaned it off last night and its back already. Theres not much yet..(thank God) and my Prizm is due any day. I hope I can figure out how to use it. I cycled FAST and didnt think i'd need it so soon.
Any idea what this stuff is??


Sounds like cyanobacteria. Most inverts won't eat it. Left handed hermits will though. Fix the problem that is causing it and it can be any of these...
1. New lighting or old bulbs
2. High phosphates and/or silicates
3. bad water circulation in the origin
Good luck finding and fixing the problem. High Phosphates is the most common cause though.


BB..thanks! Ive orederd a Phos test..we'll see what it says. I JUST hooked up my skimmer...(see new post) I hope that helps too. Thanks for all the info over these past weeks!