ultimate controling device? recomendations?


hey nano reefers!!! i am looking for a computer based device that controls everything in my tank, heaters, cooling fan, temperature, pumps, lights, and moniter readings?? are there any? i am looking to make a purchase of a good product cuz i will soon be upgrading to a 50gal or so within the next year.
also, i am trying to set up a drip system to drip FW into my tank to keep specific gravity regulated. does anyone know of a minit floating device that i can fit in the back compartment of my nano?


Active Member
There are numerous controller products out there. Reefkeeper, Octopus, Neptune, Profilux, Elos all make various models with various capabilities.
If you mean something that is PC based... where you control it using a desktop PC, let me know when you find one. I've been searching for one like that myself, but the closest I have come is controllers that let you program them using a PC then dump the program into the unit, but nothing that allows realtime interfacting with a PC.
As for keeping specific gravity regulated... I wouldn't go there. There is nothing out there that I know of that does this, and for good reason. Specific gravity shouldn't need regulating. If a system is kept topped off (using an auto-top-off for example), then specific gravity should remain stable. Schemes to adjust salinity content electrically are of negative value because the chances of failure causing catastrophe are far greater than the chances of any harm coming to your animals from the minor variations in sg that occur in a system.


Well-Known Member

I use a master controller for my lights. This turns on my MH, actinic and moonlights at the time I set each up for. I use an auto top unit for the water level.
My tank runs itself. I fill the tub under the cabinet with fresh RO water so the top off is taken care of. I use a jug running from my skimmer to collect the junk and not have to empty it everyday (only when the jug is full). I feed my fish, do water tests, and water changes accordingly. I clean my canister filters and skimmer when I do the water change and wipe any salt creep away with a damp RO soaked cloth marked fish only.
I use a mag float to clean my front glass of any algae, I want to see my critters...

That is about as easy as you can get with a saltwater tank. IMO.
My fans are the ice cap ones with a sensor to run fast or slow according to temp. (noisy).
Heaters are preset before they go in the tank and only come on as needed.
There is a digital monitor for the Ph and such, I would rather do my own tests.


If I remember correctly there was this thing we used called phidgets when we built carpc's for our cars... most of the guys used them to delete the AC/Heater control unit so we could control that through an interface in the PC rather than using the factory control unit. Some would use it to control wipers, windows, door locks etc....
No reason why it cant be used here... They have all the sensors you need, You just need a programmer to write the software and a little reasearch to build the unit.
Phidgets is extremely custom which is why its great, you build it how you want. It may not be the easiest solution but it is a very good one if you give it time.
I'm pretty sure I can post the link since its not in any competition with SWF.com so check it out.


k great thx i will start doing some research. i am trying to run a small piece of airline tubing to the back compartment of my tank. one end connected to a FW tub, and the other to some sort of float valve to controll my auto top off. i can only find float valves that are too big for the back compartment of my nano, do u all have any suggestions on how i could accomplish this/know of a small micro float valve type of device??


Hmmm I would check a plumbing store or somewhere they sell toilet bowls... I recall seeing some tanks that have small floats in them as opposed to the big ones they used to have... lol
Worth a shot...
Another idea... fishing supply store... use one of those fishing floats to rig up a floater... or cork also works well... easy to shape and cut down.


ahhhh good idea i will look into it. thx for the help!!
i was kinda looking for a ready made unit but i have googled everything of the sort and cant find anything. guess its jimmy rigging time haha