Umbrella leather problem


I put an umbrella leather in my 125g about 6 days ago, and it has only been open once(first day i got it), which leads me to believe it doesn't like the spot it is in. I currently have it in a medium/strong flow zone, halfway up the tank, right next to my finger leather(which is always open). All of my other corals (candy cane, colts, ricordias, hairy mushrooms are all open, so it isn't a water problem. Where does everyone keep their umbrella leather(flow zones, lighting, etc). Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

nm reef

Active Member
As a rule I believe they like moderate currents and lighting. But they can be tempremental especially when placed in a new system...they've been reported to take some time to get adjusted. I added a very large one a few years was in pretty bad shape for abouta month or so...actually lost most of it. But once it finally adjusted it started to regrow all its lost size and is now about 10" across when fully open. Mine is placed low and has a moderate current....I haven't had a bit of trouble with it since it rebounded from its initial shock!

Thats mine in the pic...:cool:


Active Member
Umbrellas can seem moody. They'll look great for a while then without reason close down for a while. Sometimes they slough off some skin. Unless it's actually melting, I'd let it be. I have one that took almost a year to start actually popping polyps. It expanded each day, just stayed slick. Go figure.