like above if u have a tank with some dui rock in it.. please post a pic of your tank.. i want to see if i can tell the difference in home made and real..( i dont think i can but just want to see for the heck of it.. ohh and i just wanna see some nice pics of tanks he he )
Originally Posted by ThaNgBom
like above if u have a tank with some dui rock in it.. please post a pic of your tank.. i want to see if i can tell the difference in home made and real...
Half the rock in this tank is "homemade"...Most of it "visable"...
Go ahead...copy it and "paint" circles around the DIY rocks...
hey squid.. dont give us the answer yet!!! lets see how many other people can guess right.. or wrong.. :notsure: :notsure:
anyhow.. i hope other people post more dui lr picks.. this can be inda fun...
.... hum.. i need a friggin digi to take some pictures of my dui rocks... lol i took out just about all my real lr.. maybe only 5 or so peices are lefth in my tank now.. the reast are all dui...