

Active Member
So I have known there was something on the pink people eaters ever since I got them. I mean, it is the reason behind why I picked that particular piece. Now that they have grown, I can kind of see what they are. But since I am the noob, what are they? Star polyps? Something else?


New Member
Do an image search for tulip anemones.
I had some of these once and the major problem with them was they would sting sps. Bang Guy should have more info on this species.


We have had a majano aptasia before but it looked different than these. Could they still be it?


Active Member
From our friends at wetwebmedia

"Anemonia anemone 4/6/04

Hi, I attached a picture and have been going around and around with a few people about what exactly these little guys are called I have been calling them Tulip Anemone's and some people have been calling them Aiptasia Anemone' Now I know the difference and would never give away the dreaded ones on purpose, but have I been doing that by mistake?
<this is a handsome Anemonia (so called Majano cf. species). They can be a plague just as easily as Aiptasia. For those with good water quality though (good nutrient export, control of particulates at large, etc) they present no problem and may be enjoyed. I find them to be very attractive>
These guys in the picture split pretty easy when fed directly and are rather beautiful especially when you have a small cluster of them growing in the same area they do not seem to get much larger than a quarter. What do you think they are? Thank You for your time,
<best regards, Anthony>"

"El Majano?

>Could you please identify the growth on my LR? They look like something similar to Ricordea mushrooms but I wanted to make sure it is not harmful (stinging anemone). please view attached photo. Thanks Ron
>>Ron, they look for all the world to me like Majano anemones. Not as bad (or as ugly) as Aiptasia, but are known to multiply to pest proportions. I don't know if Lysmata wurdemanni will eat these as they do Aiptasia, but it may be worth a try if you have trouble with them. Marina"


Active Member
Let me say this. Those little things have stayed that small since we have gotten that frag of pink people eaters. I hate to say it but, we do have a majano growing next to that frag on the bigger base rock. The majano started smaller than these things and is now almost dime sized. I can say with certainty that these 2 things are not the same. Besides, there is a "star" shaped hole next to these things where more used to be. The urchin ate it a while ago. I will see if I can get a pic of that today.