Undergravel filters on reef tanks???


New Member
I recently bought a 29gal. eclipse saltwater setup. I am planning on setting up a mini reef. I was wondering whether I should use crushed coral and an undergravel filtration system with 2 powerheads or use live sand and forget the undergravel filter. Which should I go with???


Active Member
Plan B. UGF's are outdated in this hobby. Crushed coral unless properly maintained can also cause some problems. I think the majority of the folks would suggest the live sand.


Active Member
yes UGF have no place in a reef system the best thing to do is have LS with at least a 4 inch depth IMO:D


There's really no need to do a DSB in a 29g tank. You will be loosing a lot of space. I put in a 1.5-2" bed in my 20 and it's going fine.


I agree with using only 1.5 to 2 inches of sand, or just fill it to the brim of the plastic rim surounding the tank. As to the UGF.......read this.
This is my standard answer to the Undergravel filter:
As for undergravel filters, I've been through this, won't go through it again. Why?
1. Frequent water changes to try to get the ditrus and nitrates out.
2. If you put live rock on it you will build up more dead ditrus spots that will pump out more nitrates in you system. This just makes them simply non reef compatible. They were meant for a crushed coral bottom and are no good with sand.
3. You run the risk of Carbon dioxide poisoning that builds up underneath.
4. Although it can help with the bioload it is only low bio load friendly.
5. With what can seep out from underneath the algea blooms can be spectacular leading to what is called New Tank Syndrome even if you think your tank is seasoned, and if you do not vaccum well you will simply reintroduce the waste back into the water colum. This can reek havoc on your water chemistry and your PH.
6. Even though you use the best strongest powerheads on it, it will just pull the waste and ditrus down into the substrate traping it till it decays and fouls your water or waits to be removed by you and the vaccum tube. Much better to use sand and good water flow to keep the ditrus in suspension in the water to be removed by the protein skimmer or machanical filtraition.
7. No matter how you slice it the UGF is just a ditrus trap. If anything deserves the name nitrate factory it is the UGF.
Just my OPINION.


Active Member
I was actually at another website whos members "Tank of the Month" (a real beauty!!) for Nov. used a UGF. He stated that what he did was use eggcrate, and every month (i think) he goes in with a turkey baster and makes alot of movement underneath to prevent any dead spots. I thought it sounded like a great idea!