i recently moved a piece of live rock with an anemone on it to another take to start hypo, when i set it down i thought i saw a little bug go into one of the holes out of the corner of my eye
about 5 minutes ago i spun the rock so that the anemone wasnt facing the corner and when i lived the rock, what looked like a flea jumped off the rock and burrowed into the gravel
it was the size of the lead of a no. 2 pencil and a light brown/tan color, looked just like a flea without such a round abdomen, basically didnt look as fat
no way i could have gotten a picture with it moving that fast
any and all suggestions are welcome, ill start looking them up to find pictures to identify it
maybe a large copepod?
about 5 minutes ago i spun the rock so that the anemone wasnt facing the corner and when i lived the rock, what looked like a flea jumped off the rock and burrowed into the gravel
it was the size of the lead of a no. 2 pencil and a light brown/tan color, looked just like a flea without such a round abdomen, basically didnt look as fat
no way i could have gotten a picture with it moving that fast
any and all suggestions are welcome, ill start looking them up to find pictures to identify it
maybe a large copepod?