Underwater paint


Hello, new to the forum, but have found it most useful so far.
My question is, is there any time of paint that could be used underwater on powerheads to make them "fade" into the background? I have 4 Maxis on my 100gal and love them, but they are rather obvious. I'm not really keen on hiding them in the rockwork because I started to do this and found it to hard to get to them when the need arrised. Plus I need at least half of them near the surface to get the flow patterns I desire.
Not a 'huge' issue for me - I can certainly live with it if the answer is no, but if there are any options and if anyone has had any luck with it I'd love to know.

mr . salty

Active Member
I don't see why you couldn't use a quality enamal spray paint on them.As long as they are TOTALLY dry before you put them back into the tank.Most artificial tank decorations are painted.Although some say not to use them in a salt tank,I have seen quite a few,and havn't heard any horror stories yet...