Underwater Spiders?!

sea horse

I found this spider looking thing in one of my rocks. :scared: I fed it and it was definatly not a brittle star or a crab. (NO claws!) It is gray/brown in color and has what looks like a spider head! :scared: What is this! Is it bad?

sea horse

ANY possible creature this could be? I DON'T like spiders. Just list and discribe all under water spiders. (If there is such a thing)


it might be an arrow crab. they have eight long legs and look kinda like spiders. kinda freaky.


There are definitely spiders that live, for the most part, underwater. We occasionally get them in our pool. The little suckers can swim pretty good too. They do breath air and need to get to the surface occasionally. They can be drowned if you can keep them under the water long enough. My kids chase them around the pool trying to drown them.

sea horse

OK, I just found out that it does have claws. So what kind of crab could this be? It is a dull brown/gray color with black eyes and it is no larger than a dime.


Active Member
Sea spiders, also called pycnogonids, Class: Pycnogonida. Over 1000 species....most are tiny.


Active Member
I had a spider looking thing in my tank, it turn out to be a decorator crab. I had to remove him since he is not reef safe.


Active Member
Originally Posted by arsen_36

:scared: :scared: :scared: :scared:
Oh my gosh, why, why, why did you post that?? :hilarious


Active Member
They are also venomous.
Could the thing you saw be a mantis shrimp? Their eyes are on a stalk. I can't believe you fed it..LOL.