undulate trigger

i am getting a 90 gallon tank with a undulate trigger from about
5-9 inches and i am going to get three power heads, 1 filter and a protien skimmer i would get a sump but i dont think i will need one because i have a small bio load
do you think this is a good setup


Active Member
Be prepared for him to chew on and/or destroy anything in the tank including filtration, powerheads, and liverock. They're unbelievable fish, one of my favorites. I kept one for close to a year and love him. They are the most intelligent fish I've ever seen in person. Mine learned to store food for later consumption on filter intakes. I doubt your undulated will be 9", as I've never even heard of one that size. The largest I've seen is at a local LFS and is around 5" or so. They are gorgeous fish, you'll love it.
PS, they will bite the hand that feeds them...


New Member
i agree they are very smart, and watch your fingers, had mine with a porky puffer that was twice as big as him and i noticed the porks tail starting to dissappear, finally i saw the undulated trigger taking little bites, and after about 2 days the puffer couldnt swim any more, they are the meanest little suckers, but i must admit they are one of the coolest fish to have, just keep them by themselves