I have a undulate triggerfish that is about 3 inches long. He is in my 29 gallon tank. Im having trouble finding the right fish for him does anyone have suggestions.?
I have a undulated that is about the same size. The only fish that I have been able to keep with him are damsels. They are quick enough, and aggressive enough to hang with him. I did try keeping 3 green chromis with him, they did really well that night.. Woke up in the morning and they were all mutalated on the sandbed. I have a small 3 stripe that has been with him for almost 3 months now. No problems, for now.
Originally Posted by Kev
I have a undulated that is about the same size. The only fish that I have been able to keep with him are damsels. They are quick enough, and aggressive enough to hang with him.
Are you saying that if i get a fast and agresive fish he'll be fine?
I don't think anyone has any suggestions a long as the Undulate is in the 29g tank. How big are you upgrading? That would determine what kind of tankmates he can have. Pretty much anything else in a 29g means a death-trap.
Undulates get big and are very active. They need room to swim and 55g won't be enough room. Triggers in general probably need over 100g. You said you were thinking of getting rid of him; personally I think that'd be for the best.
You can stock up a 55 with several very colorful and interesting fish. If you were interested in non-reef/agressive you could get a Dwarf Puffer, Maroon or Tomato Clown, Dwarf Angel, a Wrasse, etc.
i was just saying that if they sold you a fish for a 29 that they knew wouldn't work, that they are to blame and should refund you.
i agree that the best thing for you and the trigger will be for it to be returned to the store. lfs shouldn't sell this fish in the first place imo.
Once you upgrade to a much needed larger tank, IMO depending on it's temperment you could house it with a large angels,groupers, burly triggers such as clown/blue-line. The tank would have to be big.