undulated trigger


i just got an undulated trigger from my lfs i bought silversides and formula cubes. can anybody tell me how often to feed him, and what normal behavior is
thanks Logan


Active Member
they are very aggressive, must be kept alone or with other very aggressive fish that can hold their own because it is very possible it will just begin picking off tank mates one by one when its enviroment isn't big enough for him anymore. They should be fed once every day or every other day. Good luck with him!


all i have in there now is the undulated and the two damsels i put in there at the beginning of the cycle. will the damsels eventually become lunch? what tank mate options do i have?
Thanks Logan


Active Member
Well nothing else in the 35. I would plan on getting something a little larger, such as a 125. Triggers need a lot of swimming room and will not be very happy in a 4 foot or less tank and may harass other fish because of cramping.
Definitely nothing in the 35 though. What I would suggest is that you get a 65, keep the trigger in there by itself and turn the 35 into a mini reef so that you can have the best of both worlds.
Many people will tell you that they have an undulated with this and that, but what they won't tell you is when it starts unleashing its anger one day and begins killing everything.


thanks for the advice, i will probably turn the 35 into a reef tank.one last question tho are undulates like a time bomb? lol
thanks Logan


Active Member
yes, definitely. They are probably the most aggressive trigger. This is the reason you usually do not see them in public aquariums.


Orange line trigger must be kept by itself in the tank...it will kill any fish in the tank (Large or small fish) with him as he/she mature.