Undulated Trigger ???


New Member
Does anybody have one or know of anyone who does? Will it be O.K. with other triggers in the same tank? Thanks
Undulated Trigger


Although I have never owned one, several friends have and these are very beautiful, but VERY mean SOB's. In fact, my friend's 3.5" systematically nipped and destroyed nearly every fish in his 180g; including, but not limited to Niger, huma, majestic, and even a big as_ panther....He just kept picking at them until they died of infection and or stress. NICE, but a loner for sure


Yeah you don't want to mix that fish. They get big/interesting enough alone that you can devote one tank to them but be happy with the triggers you already have.


Active Member
Undies are a fish that REQUIRES thier OWN tank NO IFS ANS OR BUTTS about it. My LFS has a 9 inch Undy that someone brought in he because he was tired of not being able to have anything ELSE at all. This thing killed anything put it with it at its previous owners house. The owner of the LFS is setting up a 125 for it as a display tank here is how nasty they are this undy killed a 5 inch MANTIS shrimp like it was NOTHING at all.


New Member
Thats funny, I ordered a Undulate Trigger from MarineDepotLive back when they were still open, and he didn't harm anyone in my Tank. I have a 125 Wide, and he would swim right up next to my Yellow Tang, and like I said, wouldn't harm anyone. My Bursa Trigger was probably the most harmful fish in the tank...I dont think ALL undulate triggers are the same...

small triggers

Active Member
how large and what happened to your undulated? it sounds like it never made it to anywhere near 5 inches? Undulated's are like clowns, they dont get truelly mean until they hit a certain size, Im not quite sure if that size is 3, 4, or 5 inches but i wouldnt take the chance.