Uneven floor


So filled my 55 gal acrylic tank up with fresh water to check for leaks. I notice that the water is higher at the back than at the front. I read somewhere that placing the tank on top of styrofoam will fix this.
I currently have the tank on a 1.5 inch thick slab of styrofoam. Will this problem eventually alleviate itself with the styrofoam, or is there something else I can do?


Active Member
You will need to level the stand. The styrofoam supports the bottom from pressure, but I do not use it myself.


May or may not, hard to say. If its against a wall, better to have the tank lean back than forward. Did you check the floor with a level first, you may not have even needed styrofoam. How bad is the lean? can you still see the water line even when the tank is full.


The lean isn't very severe. The tank isn't filled all the way to the top because it's drilled. I have a glass tank on the same side of the room and when that tank is full, you can't see the water line.


Active Member
the styrofoam wont work to level it out. I just started a new 180 and put styrofoam recessed on the joists for the stand. the tank is not even resting on it. the foam is loose under it. what I am saying is that the weight of the tank is supported by the stand and you wikll have to level the stand itself.


Active Member
I remodled my entire office to put my tank in and extensive work went into the floor to level etc. I still had to shim my stand to make it level. Level the stand as I posted 8-9 posts ago.


Active Member
I am sure you know this, but for the one's just starting out.... it is very important for for the tank to be level. If the tank is leaning at any given point, front, back, side it has a potential to burst. The pressure of the water will push on the weakening side until it pops. Make sure your tank is level before putting in rock, sand, and water. The weight alone will surprise you. I only say this because as a newbe a few years back this happened to me.
Not a pretty sight.