unexpected gift


My pop just brought me a tounge coral out of the blue. I am still acclimating right now and i was curious as to how hard are these corals to keep? What kind of current do they like?
I have a 65 watt PC on my 55, is this enough light?
....I have two 550 powerheads in my 55 aquarium. My hang on filter is on the far right, my first power head hangs right next to it pointing toward the center of the tank and i have the other powerhead hanging on the opposite side pointing to the center. Which way should i be pointing the heads for best result with out blowing my xenia and other corals all over the place?


Active Member
Not positive but I believe a tongue coral is an lps. If so, your 65 watts is a bit low for lighting a 55. Look for more feedback from the board but my initial response is return to lfs or get more light asap. If nothing else, have that puppy up high in the tank.
As for placing powerheads. Look to have movement throughout the tank to eliminate dead spots and at the same time don't blow any other animal away. Just keep experimenting and you'll find the sweet spot.
Good Luck!


I took the tounge back to the lfs and picked up a firefish and a purple flower pot polyp. Everything seems to be going fine.
Thanks for the advice