Unexplained death??


I've had my 12g eclipse system set up now for at least 8-9 months. I moved a little over 5 months ago and transfered all the water with it. At the time there had been no fish in it and I left it go until about 2 weeks ago. I had the water tested and got the water level back up. Everything tested fine. I put a firefish and candy stripe goby in it. With in 3 days the Firefish died. I got a replacement about 4 days later because my water tested fine again. When I put the second one in, I noticed that the goby had a white cottony fungus and I treated the tank with pimafix. But by the next morning it had died. My firefish was doing fine he would swim around when the light was on in the evening, he had been eating and all. Now 6 days since I got him, I feed him today and he was fine and now he is dead. Any clues? I also just noticed these little rice like bugs. Any idea what they may be??


Active Member
Okay heres my advice. I dont know if the Eclipse 12 is really made for salt water, another filter may be necessary.
White cottony fungus = Ick/Ich. Go to the disease and treatment forum and read about it there, everything you ever need to know about it is right there.
Good luck, Jeff


Could it have been the water temp? Would that take as long as 6 days to affect whether the fish will die though?


Active Member
Well, lets start with some basics. First, what are your water parameters? What's the temp? Salinity? Ammonia/Nitrite/Nitrate? How did you acclimate the fish? Did you get them all from the same source?
Next, white cottony fungus-like stuff doesn't really fit the description of ich, it sounds possibly.... well, fungal, or maybe bacterial, or like Lymphocystis, or maybe even just stress sores, where the scales just flake away to open sores. It's pretty hard to say with that description, but we can't really rule anything out yet.
Do you have any inverts in the tank or is it just live rock/sand?