Unfortunate loss and advice needed


New Member
First off, thanks in advance to anyone who replies with help to this post.
After reading an enormous amount of material on marine aquariums and subjects that surround it, I know that I have barely scratched the surface on the amount of knowledge that is shared on these boards. I will try to be as comprehensive in my explination of my problem as possible and hopefully some of the more experienced people online can help me with my situation.
30 gallon tank oceanic cube
40 lb live sand
30 lb live rock - very well cured with great corraline algae
Ammonia = 0
trates = 0
trites = 0
pH = 8.1 - 8.2
Alk = 200
Temp = 79 deg
Sal = 1.023
Eheim classic canister filter @ about 120 gph w/spray bar - surface agitation
Prizim protein skimmer w/ upgrade kit for surface skimming
Sweeping powerhead @ 160 gph
Current stock
1 Yellowtail Damsel - had since cycling - I know, I know - i shouldn't have used a fish - won't do it again I promise
1 fire shrimp
6 red hermit crabs
12 blue hermit crabs
12 astrea snails
2 nassarius snails
1 mexican turbo snail
1 xenia frag
I use a 12 hour light cycle (11am - 11pm) using a pc unit from current-usa which has 4 different bulbs 10,000, 6,700 days and 460 + 420 actinics
The tank is about 3 months old, cycled in about 2 weeks time with very little spike on any level. 10 % water changes done every week with aged saltwater - using distilled water for the mix - I will eventually get an r/o unit. Test water at least every 3rd day, during day, in the middle of the night, all levels seem stable at the above levels.
I am writing this because I had 2 true perc clowns die within the last week and I am wondering what I have done wrong. Today is 9/8/06, I ordered the clowns from swf.com (tank raised) and received them at 10:30 am on 8/18/06. Upon arrival appeared to be very healthy. I did NOT QT them (I am coming clean, I don't have a QT tank, in the future, I may turn this 30 into a QT for a massive system, not anytime soon though). I used the drip acclimation technique listed in the left column - every exact word - over about 3 hours. They took right to the tank, swimming exploring, playing in the powerhead current, etc. They ate voraciously from the start. I fed them twice daily, various items, tetra marine flakes, tetra spirulina flakes, marine grow small pellets from red sea, and occasionally mysis shrimp or brine shrimp. They even started to recognize me and would come to the front of the tank to greet me when I would walk by. To be honest, I couldn't have been happier in my purchase.
Now the bad news. On 9/1, I lost power at my house for a total of 14 hours (8pm 9/1 to 10 am 9/2). As soon as I lost power, I went to my lfs, got a battery powered air stone and put it in the tank. When I woke the next morning, before the power returned, The temp had dropped to 71 deg - this was in a matter of 10 hours.
The day before (8/31) I noticed a small white patch on one of my clowns and bought enough supplies to make a 2.5 gal hospital tank and treat him for what I thought was brook. I made this determination by looking at a lot of pictures of different diseases and reading about the symptoms (ps. I am a pharmacist and have a great interest in disease states). By the time the power came back, the sick clown had died. The second one however, was fine (visually, behaviorally etc.). Yesterday 9/6, he started to appear as the first one did and before I could set up the treatment tank, it died this morning. Both of them went from being completely content to dead in a matter of 36 hours from the first sign of symptoms.
Now I know my methods of treatment were less than optimal and I didn't qt the fish, but I had them both for over 2 weeks before they mysteriously took sick and died. No other fish or crustacean, invert or anything seems to be affected. Also, there was a big problem with a drastic temp drop in the tank, and subsequent rise within a day. So I understand that I may have made some mistakes and had some bad luck with a power outage.
Outside of all you have just read, please tell me where I went wrong, and what I can do to improve on my skills. I have no reserves or ego about being told that I am incorrect in my methods or equipment or whatever. I would really like to purchase another pair of clowns. I am not in this for the "Finding Nemo" craze or anything like that. I seriously have wanted a pair of clowns since I was a kid and I had my first freshwater tank that my parents bought me. I am hoping to have them as my centerpiece or focal point of my tank some day. I thought I had everything right. I don't know how long to wait until restock.
If anyone has had the patience to read this thread and is willing to help someone who is truly willing to listen, please give me some advice as to what I can do to help my tank succeed and keep my fish health and happy.
Again, I thank you in advance for any and all replies.


Probably brook that killed them, it can strike from out of the blue and kill quickly. How did you treat for it? I personally "pretreat" all my clownfish, once brook takes a hold it's hard to fight it off. I give my clowns a bath the first day, and every other day thereafter for three treatments as described below along with keeping a lower salinity in QT.
Here's one way for treating it... http://www.petsforum.com/personal/tr...oklynella.html
There is another method using maracyn 2 and coppersafe, let me see if I can find the info.
Oh, btw, don't feel bad, brook gets the best of us.

reef diver

Active Member
Im so sorry for your loss, the same thing happened to me. Frankly, nomatter how much I like swf.com, I have permanently refrained from buying online. It is slightly off topic, but if you choose to care for corals in the future, raise your salinity to 1.025. I have no idea what killed your fish. My guess is brook, because I know that it in many cases will attack the gills first, giving no outward sign, until the fish dies. Was their heavy breathing before death?

reef diver

Active Member
Its not your fault, but find the reefers club in your area, find a good LFS, and if you continue to buy from online retailers, bring the fish to the LFS and have them quarantine, make your problem theirs.

sign guy

Active Member
Originally Posted by Reef Diver
By the way, thanks for providing so much info, it really helps when people do that.


New Member
thanks for all the information, I'm sorry I havn't replied earlier but I was out of town for a few days.
I assume that yes it was brook and I do feel a lot better knowing I am not the only one who had a problem with it. As far as the baths go, I do have enough supplies to set up a small qt tank. Should the bath be for only the new fish i add, or should I treat the damsel and blenny? I would sure hope not since I'll probably have to remove all of my rock to do so. Also, are their any adjustments, other than salinity that I need to look at before attempting clowns again? Do I treat the main tank in any way? I'm going to check out that link but if anyone else has advice, please continue to respond!


New Member
couple more things,
no there wasn't heavy breathing at all, up until the last 24 hours of life, by then, I assume it was too late.
also, I am not dead set on ordering from swf.com, I just was reading so much on here, I thought that I would give them the patronage because i use this site as my biggest source of info.
I have 3 lfs that all seem to have stong areas, one dry goods, the other fish, the other corals. I think I am going to try another pair of clowns from the one store. I have been observing their fish for about two weeks now. I guess the main question is, how long should I wait? I have no problem being patient, I just didn't know if there was a stocking guideline between a loss due to a disease, and the attempt to replace the fish.
Thanks again for the help