Unhappy anemone's....unhappy owner.

Does anyone know what the single most water problem that might make a BTA unhappy?
I know that anemones won't tolerate poor water quality. My Nitrates, Nitrates & ammonia are good. My calcium (350) is low & my KH(140) * PH (8.5) are high. I am trying to get them down with water changes & am taking the advice to check the salt before adding to my tank.
I have also read that BTA's are the most tolerant as well. Is it OK for them to be next to each other? The closed BTA has been in my tank about 4 weeks and the pink is new since Friday. He has never moved once he set his foot which is supposed to be a good sign. He didn't seem unhappy until the pink tip was added on Friday but my husband had also redirected the power head the night before during a water change. I move the power head to not have such a direct flow on them. I asked the fish guy at the store & he said anemones an act weird & not to worry. Now it is Monday & he still looks unhappy to me. Am I being paranoid?
I have a 55 gal that is 4 mos. old with a transfer from another tank about 6 weeks ago. I really want to make these guys happy. In the morning before the lights come on they seem to be happier. I have compact flouro's.
On a better note, I had been waiting for about a month for my percula's to host...no luck. I got skunk clowns & they are hosting in everything; hairy mushrooms, frogspawn plus the 2 BTA's!
Forgot to mention that I do have the UV sterilizer up & running for about a week now & protein skimmer up for about 2 weeks.


What kind of lighting do you have.
I wouldn't worry too much at this time. BTA's are fairly tolerant.


anemones aren't for new tanks. how did you acclimate the bta?
Drip acclimation over 2 hours. Lighting is Current compacts, dual daylight, actinic, 65 watt.
I just returned home with R/O water. I will do a 20% again tonite & see if that lowers the PH at least.