Unhappy polyps


Active Member
Anyone know what could be making these polyps unhappy and leaving the rock. I got them with some LR and they were under halides. I put them highish up (as high as the LR was. They were ok for months but had to move things around a bit in the tank.
They were ok for a while again but I noticed they were in a slight current and one side of the main group was moving slightly. That's when I noticed them thinning out, although I've found very few in the tank laid around.
They are currently at the bottom as I've had to rearrange everything for some new corals. I can see they are not too happy there as they are quite small now and not blooming.
I have 220w T5 and 30w NO. Will they be ok top half of the tank? I seem to have no luck with polyps really!!
Water is fine - ammo, nitrites zero. Trates, po4 almost 0. Alk, calcium, pH ok.


:happyfish Hi, I have that kind too. They will probably be ok. Mine when overcowded and reproducing, started walking off the main rock, and now they are on surrounding rocks. Yellow polyps do that too. If yours look like they generally aren't doing well though, just try feeding them zooplankton, mine love that stuff. Also just try placing them in different spots around the tank, sometimes polyps just don't like flow or lights in a certain spot. I've heard water flow should be moderate to strong. Yes, they do like to be closest to lights if you have power compacts like me. It sounds like you do to. Even if you do everything right too, sometimes polyps just fade away for no reason at all. I had some beautiful blue/ green mushroom polyps and they didn't do well, and now I only have a few survivors. Hope this was of some help, and remember your not alone with coral problems. Alison


Active Member
Thanks Alison
If I'm supposed to feed them then that may be the problem!!!!
Do you target feed yours and do they close up as they feed?