Unicorn Tang???


Recently I went to Mohegan Sun in CT, and they had a huge saltwater tank there in a huge arch over a doorway. I saw a few exotic fish that has a thing protruding from its forhead. It looked like a "unicorn" if you will.. and they were tangs.. I was wondering if anybody knew what kind of fish this was.
-Byron. :happyfish


Active Member
one of my lfs has it in its big tank
the fish is so huge, looks like a tang but with a horn


Active Member
where do you live fishman?
my aunt used to live in ledgard(sp) right down the road... whoops never mind i think thats foxwoods


Active Member
There are several Unicorn tangs one being the Bluespine Unicornfish, ( Naso unicornis )
The problem and why they are not so common in typical home aquariums is that they get too big. 25 inches.