Unidentifiable Things.... please help.


New Member
Recently i've had an outbreak of these square, flat, brown, with 1 red dot at the top, worm looking things. If anyone can help me identify these & if they're bad/good, possible ways to remove them??? They seem to migrate from the LR that they started from to the glass walls where i can easily clean them off. I don't seem to be putting a dent in their population, and am worried of an overwhelming infestation.


Active Member
Huh? Square worms? How big are they? I've never heard of anything like that. Sorry.

mr . salty

Active Member
I used to have a million of these in my algae refugium,but they are all gone now.I never knew exactly what they were,but they seemed to cause no harm...


New Member
Yeah they have the open V ended head, with a very small red dot at 1 end.. I left the lights off for a day and have reduced the cycle now to about 7 hours light/day. Setup is 55 gal, about 50lbs of LR, 90-100 lbs LS ( roughly 4" deep ). Ammonia=0,Nitrite=0, Nitrate=0-5ppm. skimmer... 2 perc clowns, purple firefish, coral beauty, lot-o-inverts ( crabs, snails, shrimp... )
So far only 3 coral frags a friend gave me which are doing suprisingly well. button polyps, xenia, mushrooms.
Today when i got home from work, it seemed a LOT more migrated to the glass. Including VERY small ones too, looks almost like they're trying to get the light from the room now that the aquarium lights are off.
I'm relieved now that someone atleast knows what they might be. They've been multiplying at a frightning rate. What should i do now?